Head In Heaven
Feet On Earth
New Release March 2021
£14.99 signed copy with a personal Angel Message just for you.
£2.50 postage and package within the UK
True Spiritual Story
March 2021
Parveen's book shows a real insight to a lady who had a lot of health issues but overcomes them with help from meditation, healing, and connections with angels and the hierarchy.
A very special lady who along her journey has gained strength, courage, and determination to help others and to be where she is today. A must-read as I wanted to carry on reading to see what happened next in her life, in her own healing and others also her visions and angelic experiences.
Karen Smith
March 2021
Head In Heaven Feet On Earth a truly inspirational uplifting read, very powerful, felt like I had received a powerful healing session from just reading 16 pages. An extremely helpful tool for anyone suffering from an illness or even if you are on a spiritual journey. I found it to be useful tool for my general wellbeing.
Sunny Kaur Heer
March 2021
I have finished reading your book. WOW Parveen! I found it incredibly inspiring, you work so hard and always follow your dreams, spinning and manifesting gold out of ordinary threads of life, showing us what is possible when we dare to believe, truly have faith and let ourselves be guided by the Divine. It must be a difficult and lonely path at times being one at the front, doing all the hard work so others travel more easily, but you are so obviously divinely supported on your path, your story is a beautiful one, and I cant wait to read the next chapter. Thank you for being you.
Emma Harrop
March 2021
Extremely thought-provoking and a privilege to read your experiences. I sensed an angelic presence when reading it which brought a sense of comfort and wonderment.
Glenda Crump
May 2021
'Parveen, I really enjoyed reading your new book. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences and journey. You are a true inspiration following your calling and what you truly believe in, when at times it must have been so hard, when so many would have doubted and not believed you. I felt a feeling of pure serenity while reading and could not put it down. You truly have a gift.'
May 2021
Hi Parveen, I recently finished reading your latest book, I admire your courage and stamina, especially when approaching people and organisations. You obviously have celestial backing, but of course, I have known this since I first met you on 19th November 2011, as that is where my timeline begins and you set me on a new path. You set things out exactly how things happened I like that approach to your writing honest and to the point.
Keith C
May 2021
Thank you, your book is an absolute delight!!
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