There are five levels to the Angels of Transformation
Level 1 ~ Self Help
Level 1 is the self-help, self-healing modality to keep you well. Once you have been trained in this level you have the ability to self-help daily to bring wellness for the mind-body and soul. The body feels more strengthened with the various techniques and you feel more focused and aware of the journey ahead. You will receive the beautiful Divine energies of the Archangels and Ancient Ascended Masters. This level is transforming for the self. Bringing the body in alignment to the souls purpose and the mind receives much more clarity. Many students have said it has helped with their eye sight, clarity of mind, more energy, instant tool that works instantaneously. This is just like having access to something that replenishes the whole body system at your fingertips.

Level 2 ~ Family and Friends
Level 3 ~ Professional Practice
Level 2 Family and Friends
Level 2 is the advanced level whereby you learn more techniques. There are some beautiful meditations to assist the student's physical body. You do receive more connections to the 31 Archangels and Ancient Masters who embody wisdom of times forgotten, within this level we take you further on your journey. You also receive one-to-one healings in the group. You then have the ability to distant heal whether it is for family and friends.
Level 3 Professional Practice
You can if wished take this level to set up your own professional practice. There is guidance given on how this can be done.
Parveen your teacher will guide you and keep in regular contact to help you. At this level, you will receive more than the other two levels it is like you are upgrading on more than one level, your consciousness elevates. You will feel amazing walking away with more tools to help you and your future clients. You will not feel alone as there are regular group gatherings and further professional guidance.
Level 4 ~ Self-Mastery Level
Level 4 Self Mastery Level
Level 4 is for those whom feel they would like to support themselves for their own self-mastery journey they can come to this level. There are many tools to support the journey. You will receive 9 symbols, connections to Ancient Masters and Archangels. Once again you are elevating yourself to a higher frequency to higher consciousness.
This is the Self Mastery Level.